Recent global events have created supply chain challenges like never before, leading to unprecedented change across most sectors. Large manufacturers are having to overcome new disruptions, mitigate risks, and build further resilience in their operations. 

The Bespoke Labs offer your organisation an opportunity to attend a one-to-one structured lab with world leading industry experts to help you identify a practical fit-for-purpose digital transformation roadmap linking with your organisation’s future vision and digitisation journey. We work with organisations across both public and private sector.

The Bespoke Lab will involve:

  • Interviews and surveys led by Deloitte to help identify the key challenges in your organisation 
  • A full day tailored workshop leveraging Deloitte’s first-hand experience and recent case studies to explore latest industry trends 
  • Developing a 120-day roadmap

Please note, a non-disclosure agreement will be signed before the start of the engagement to ensure that data shared will be confidential.

Why Should I Attend

The turbulence of the past two years has forced many organisations to address vulnerabilities in their supply chain networks. By attending these labs, you will make sure to:

  • Meet with industry experts to understand the current market trends and key challenges across the end-to-end supply chain of your industry
  • Explore mechanisms to stay resilient and be future-ready despite ongoing global uncertainty 
  • Develop a customised 120- day roadmap towards supply chain digitisation in your organisation

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