The Made Smarter Innovation | Digital Supply Chain Hub exists to increase the digitalisation of supply chains through helping manufacturer's to make informed decisions.

We’re improving the flow of data through supply chains with digital tools and technologies which identify opportunities for businesses, connect systems and value chains, and which can be leveraged to meet the supply chain challenges of today and tomorrow.

Find out more by visiting the tabs above to explore the readiness tool and the resilience navigator. The initial tools deliver key insights for manufacturers looking adopt digital technologies across their supply chains. 

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Welcome to Digital Supply Chain Hub - your hub for sustainable fashion business.

You've been redirected here from the Ethical Fashion Forum website because, as of May 2018, EFF is supporting its network through this new, online platform that helps fashion professionals succeed in the most sustainable way.

On DSCH, you'll be able to find even more great content and connections to help you do fashion better.

Join the community for free today.

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