The Made Smarter Innovation | Digital Supply Chain Hub is a digital innovation ecosystem that empowers individuals and organisations to work together to make supply chains smarter.

Developed by Digital Catapult and funded by the Made Smarter Innovation challenge at UKRI, the hub will transform UK manufacturing by connecting innovators across sectors and across the supply chain to accelerate digital innovation – making supply chains more efficient, resilient and sustainable.

We’re harnessing the power of UK manufacturing, bringing businesses of all sizes and from many sectors together, alongside researchers together to develop new solutions, tackling sector specific and industry wide challenges, building a powerful UK supply chain community.

How we can help you...


Match with innovators across manufacturing and tech - We make sure that everyone involved understands the power and value of collaborating across the supply chain by matching users and facilitating great discussions.


We're improving the flow of data through supply chains, incorporating digital tools and technologies to connect systems and value chains, communicate more effectively, creating a robust data system which can be leveraged to meet the supply chain challenges of today and tomorrow.


The Digital Supply Chain Hub has been created to help businesses realise the relevance and critical value of digital supply chain technology. Training credits allow you to understand the opportunities that digital technology can create for your industry.

Our ambition is to work with all layers of supply chains, creating a collective movement designed to make supply chains run smoother. See our how it works section to learn more.

See our How it Works page for more on what DSCH could do for you.

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Welcome to Digital Supply Chain Hub - your hub for sustainable fashion business.

You've been redirected here from the Ethical Fashion Forum website because, as of May 2018, EFF is supporting its network through this new, online platform that helps fashion professionals succeed in the most sustainable way.

On DSCH, you'll be able to find even more great content and connections to help you do fashion better.

Join the community for free today.

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