Delivered by the HVM Catapult and The Data City, the supply chain directory is a free, regularly updated database that provides detailed information on UK manufacturers across multiple industries. It combines publicly accessible and user-provided data and enables businesses to better target new suppliers and customers. It also allows for a more strategic development of the UK’s manufacturing community, as policymakers will be better able to identify clusters, gaps and expertise or capabilities in globally significant areas (e.g., net zero).

This open access database is not limited to SIC codes and has sector groupings that allows users to find companies in key UK supply chains more easily.

Find new suppliers or customers

Use the comprehensive data to discover new UK based supply chain partners for your business and bring your production to the UK.

Strengthen UK supply chains

Benchmark your supply chain against others in the sector and get insight into best practice.

Shape the UK’s manufacturing sector

Claim your data and contribute to the database to support national policy action.

Discover industrial clusters

Find the best place for your investment by locating the skills and capabilities needed for your supply chain.

Register here for the UK Supply Chain Directory and claim your company’s profile today.

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