The project, led by Digital Catapult as part of their Digital Supply Chain Hub, will lead on the technical developments with Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing. 

Supply chain integration and regulatory developments are informed by The Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation (C4DTI), a global initiative led by ICC United Kingdom and supported by Teesside University and the Institute of Export (IOE).  The collaboration brings together the Cabinet Office, GIZ in Germany and key Australian stakeholders to ensure that we will have participation across the lithium supply chain and technology companies from mines in Australia, through ports, UK manufacturing and into the EV batteries for cars and other components reliant on critical minerals and rare earth elements manufactured by OEMs in the UK.

We have also partnered with Chainvine, a UK based organisation that has created a platform that increases productivity and transparency in the supply/value chain and helps organisations connect SDGs with the issuance of bonds and ESGs areas of growing importance.

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