Impact partners make it possible for us to deliver outstanding resources and catalyse change in the industry. These businesses share our Digital Supply Chain Hub of transforming standards across the industry and taking sustainability in fashion from niche to norm.

Read more about impact partnerships

Collaboration is a core value for DSCH. We work in partnership with a wide variety of organisations from industry bodies, solutions providers, and networks, to multiply our joint impact

If your organisation is offering tools or services that can help our member network to do fashion better, or if your network could benefit through access to DSCH's resources, supplier and brand base, then please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

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Welcome to Digital Supply Chain Hub - your hub for sustainable fashion business.

You've been redirected here from the Ethical Fashion Forum website because, as of May 2018, EFF is supporting its network through this new, online platform that helps fashion professionals succeed in the most sustainable way.

On DSCH, you'll be able to find even more great content and connections to help you do fashion better.

Join the community for free today.

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